about us

GREG EMERY...what has he done? His first band started playing in public at age 14. He sang and played in nightclubs, outdoor events, private parties and more for 20 years. In 1976 Greg signed a 1 record deal with Caprice Records in Nashville, Tn. and recorded and released a song he had written called 'Be Mine Tonight'. In 1990 he became a Christian, and the same year became the 'Worship Leader' for his church's music team. For the next 34 years, Greg taught, led, and played with various church music teams in both Alaska and NY State. In 2011 he released his album entitled 'It's Jesus!' composed of all songs that he had personally written. Today, Greg is semi- retired and is very excited about providing comfort and relief to people suffering from loss.

Our Mission is to bring the very best music that we can to your memorial event...click below to hear Greg